Since 1999, the NKF Helpline has been a lifeline of hope and support, providing FREE, compassionate advice and information.
NKF understand the challenges kidney patients face because our two dedicated helpline advisers have experienced kidney disease first hand, both as a patient and a carer.
NKF are proud to be the UK’s largest provider of kidney-related medical information leaflets.
Ranging from free information on; symptoms and stages of chronic kidney disease, treatments, fistula care, living with kidney disease, how to cope with established renal failure, frequently asked questions, pre and post transplant information and so much more.
NKF are here for you Monday to Thursday 08:30 – 17:00, and Friday 08:30 – 12:30.
Whether you need to talk before heading to work or during a break, the NKF Freephone Helpline is here for you. Call the NKF for free on 0800 169 0936 or email
NKF are the umbrella organisation for 49 KPAs including AKPA, see: National Kidney Federation