Help us celebrate 50 years This year AKPA will celebrate 50 years of helping kidney patients. We wish to mark this occasion with an appropriate celebration for all and possible individual events at each dialysis site. However, the current committee is too small to...
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A welcome return for former trustee and committee member
Welcome back Julie Walker We welcomed Julie Walker back as a trustee and committee member. Julie is going to undertake the specific roles of: AKPA NKF Representative Christmas Card management
AKPA Carol Service – thanks to all
A big thank you to all Thank you to the wonderful Ely College Choir and all who attended the Carol Service Our 2024 Carol Service at Great St Mary’s Church, Cambridge on Saturday 7th December 2024 raised £400 in donations for which we are very grateful. Note: while it...
AKPA 200 Club Draw Winners announced
Results from the AKPA 200 Club bi-monthly draw from November. The purpose of the AKPA 200 Club is to raise funds for Addenbrooke’s Kidney Patients Association. Membership of the Club is open to anyone who wishes to support AKPA and is aged 16 or over. To join the club...