Addenbrooke’s Kidney Patient Association
Over 95% of donations go directly toward helping patients
Kidney disease is increasingly common and, in most cases a diagnosis will impact the rest of a person’s life. This takes its toll both emotionally and physically which means that individuals and their families and carers need the support of charities such as AKPA which is run entirely by volunteers. Money raised is used to provide welfare assistance for patients, funding for research projects and equipment not funded by the NHS.
Donate here and help us spport Kidney Patients here in the East of England
We rely on our members and supporters for our income.
We are not funded by the NHS or any other organisation.

Can you help AKPA support kidney patients across our area?
We cannot do this without your help and all money raised goes directly to helping Addenbrooke’s kidney patients.

Supporting AKPA with a donation
- JustGiving – you can simply make a donation via our Just Giving page.
- Shop Online at Easyfundraising and help support Addenbroke’s kidney patients.
By Cheque
- You can post a cheque, made out to the AKPA Kidney Patients Association (AKPA), at: AKPA, PO Box 608, CB1 0GJ.
Just some of the ways we plan to use your donations
- Continued Funding of SmartPhones – These have proved invaluable for communication with vulnerable patients.
- Funding Research Projects – Including a Fistula Ligation Study. This study will investigate the long
term health effects of dialysis fistulas. - Funding Medical Equipment – Not supplied by the NHS, including a portable ultrasound scanner for use with home heamodialysis patients. Also, equipment
stands, patient transfer aids and medical dressing trolleys. - Continuing Support for Dialysis Patients – Including welfare and dialysis holiday payments.
- Funding Patient Comforts – Including mattresses, chairs and other furnishings.