Kidney Patients 

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Please donate here and help us support Kidney Patients in the East of England

CUH Logo

Cambridge University Hospital - Kidney / Renal services information

CUH provide treatment and support for adult patients with all forms of kidney disease and for patients requiring dialysis or transplantation. CUH – Website.

NKF Logo

National Kidney Federation

The National Kidney Federation was founded 1978, and is a national kidney charity in the United Kingdom run by patients with kidney problems and their carers, for kidney patients. The NKF runs a free national helpline (0800 169 09 36).

PKD Charity

Polycystic Kidney Disease or PKD is a life-threatening inherited conditions that can cause renal (kidney) failure and affect other organs in the body. The PKD charity supports those affected, their families and carers – Website.

Become a member of AKPA - join us today

Addenbrooke’s Kidney Patient Association (AKPA) is free to join. Pop over to the membership page and join us.

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