Professor John Bradley is the new president of Addenbrooke’s Kidney Patients Association.

Following the death of Professor Sir Roy Calne in January this year, Professor John Bradley has agreed to become President of AKPA.

Professor Bradley has been AKPA Vice President for many years, supporting our work and attending AGMs. With his background in dialysis and transplantation he has a wide knowledge of Renal Medicine and the needs and experiences of kidney patients. After completing his undergraduate medical training in Nottingham he trained in renal medicine in Cambridge during the 1980s, working at Addenbrooke’s Dialysis Centre when it was at Douglas House, Trumpington Road before undertaking research fellowships at Harvard, Yale and Cambridge Universities.

His current roles include: Consultant Renal Physician and Director of Research at Cambridge University Hospitals, honorary Professor of Experimental Medicine at University of Cambridge, Director of Research for Cambridge University Health Partners and Regional Specialty Advisor in Renal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians.

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