We are currently looking for volunteers to help us run the charity, in particular, people with experience in communications, fundraising, or finance.
Addenbrooke’s Kidney Patients Association was started in 1975 by a small group of patients with support from medical and nursing staff including Professor Sir Roy Calne, and Dr David Evans. The charity will celebrate its 50th Anniversary 2025.
We raise money to provide support for Addenbrooke’s Renal Services with such things as welfare assistance for patients, funding for research projects and equipment not funded by the NHS. Most committee members are also trustees and all are volunteers.
Meetings take place every two months (lasting approximately two hours), currently at:
The Quaker Meeting House,
91–93 Hartington Grove,
Cambridge CB1 7UB
There is also an option to join the meetings by Zoom
If you think you could help in these or any other areas, or if you know someone who is willing to help, please contact us:
Email: Paul Smyth
Email: Brian Wood