Addenbrooke’s Kidney Patients Association
Registered Charity
We are a registered charity no: 277236 committed to supporting people with kidney conditions who are under the care of Addenbrooke’s hospital, including kidney patients at Hinchingbrooke, King’s Lynn and West Suffolk hospitals.
Please donate here and help us support Kidney Patients in the East of England.
What does AKPA do?
We support dialysis, pre-dialysis and transplant patients as well as their relatives, friends, plus the nursing and medical staff. The charity is run by volunteers, and is dedicated to helping both kidney patients and their families.

How we help
AKPA aims to improve the lives of kidney patients by providing financial assistance, support, and practical help. We purchase equipment and comforts not supplied by the NHS, for Addenbrooke’s Dialysis Units in Cambridge, Bury St Edmunds, Hinchingbrooke and King’s Lynn. We fund research into kidney diseases and treatments, and support the renal unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. We understand that a kidney diagnosis is life changing and how, alongside the support provided by medical staff, AKPA’s help and assistance with equipment, welfare and peer support is crucial to the wellbeing of those undergoing treatment.
Your help in raising funds is vital to our (KPA) charity
Addenbrooke’s Kidney Patients Association is only able to help, support and assist kidney patients and their families via funding from its members, fundraisers and donations. Please join, fundraise or donate today!
Become a member of AKPA - join us today
Addenbrooke’s Kidney Patient Association (AKPA) is free to join. Pop over to the membership page and join us.